New Service Offers Safe, Responsible Pick-Up, Exchange, and Disposal of Saturated Fume Hood Filters
Air Science Technologies Ltd. is now a certified waste carrier in accordance with the 2011 Waste Regulations of England and Wales. Replacing and disposing of your saturated filters from ductless fume hoods, cabinets and workstations is now made easier through the Air Science® Secur™ Safe Disposal Service.
Through the service, used filters are transferred to the Veolia UK Treatment Facility where they undergo the proper treatment processes for secure destruction and recycling. Order the same high quality carbon replacement filters for all makes of fume cupboards through Air Science and our engineers will replace and remove saturated activated carbon filters during the annual service visit.
This environmentally responsible waste removal solution ultimately results in the incineration of filters. This process turns used filters into a positive energy source that can be used to replace fossil fuels and reduce your carbon footprint.
The Air Science Secur Safe Disposal Service can be added as a separate line item to your annual service quote or included in the cost of your replacement filters. Filtco filters remain the most affordable on the market even with the Secur Safe Disposal Service.