Our extensive knowledge base enables us to engineer universal filters that go far beyond single chemical family adsorption. The Multiplex™ Filtration System is our method for applying activated carbon to the filter build-out. Through the Multiplex System, we provide different types of filter formulations and configurations to meet your unique requirements.
Greater Flexibility for Unique Applications
Filter media that is activated for specific chemical and physical adsorption can be configured in a single, blended, or layered media configuration. Filters can then be used alone or stacked with another activated carbon filter to combine media configuration types and used with or without a HEPA/ULPA filter.
There are numerous configurations available for standard product offerings and custom solutions.
In the Purair® Basic, for example, the Multiplex Filtration System consists of a pre-filter, main activated carbon filter, and optional HEPA/ULPA filter. It can be equipped with a single or stacked main filter.
C: Carbon H: HEPA/ULPA E: Electrostatic
In the Purair Advanced series hoods, the Multiplex consists of a pre-filter, main activated carbon or HEPA/ULPA filter, and a safety activated carbon or HEPA/ULPA filter. It can be equipped with a single, blended, or stacked filter configuration.
C: Carbon H: HEPA/ULPA E: Electrostatic