Choose the Right Laminar Flow Hood with Ease
You place high importance on attention to detail within your laboratory, which is why we know when searching for laboratory equipment, you will not simply want to get 'close enough'. You need the brand and model that is designed specifically for your application and its unique demands.
But with a plethora of options available, what laminar flow cabinet will produce the best results for your work?
Air Science provides the answer.
In our ebook entitled
"Horizontal or Vertical Laminar Flow: Which is best for your application?", Air Science details the various industries that require laminar flow hoods, and we provide direction for the most suitable hood within your application.
Download our ebook now and benefit from the following information:
A concise explanation of the method of decontamination employed within laminar flow hoods
Explanation for the most suited type of laminar flow hood across a variety of applications
Customer spotlight detailing the ability to customize laminar flow hoods for unique situations
To learn more about the wide range of applications that Air Science services, visit our website at or
contact us to receive a
customized quote for your unique needs.