Air Science Protects Evidence Chain of Custody and More
Ductless Filtered Drug Storage Protects the Evidence and You
Personnel in the forensic sciences are subject to a variety of unknown hazards related to evidence processing. The risk is heightened when drug evidence is processed due to the unknown and potentially volatile nature of the materials. Air Science has always made protection of personnel and their work our top priority.
A recent white paper suggests that over time evidence rooms can become contaminated by Aspergillus, a mold which grows naturally on marijuana, dead leaves, compost piles and grain. Additional combinations of mold, spores, yeasts and fungi can quickly turn marijuana plants into a toxic poison proven to compromise vital systems in humans and animals leading to illness and death.
The Air Science Drugkeeper™ evidence storage cabinets are designed to isolate potentially toxic evidence such as marijuana and other drugs. The Drugkeeper is available in several sizes and is useful for short-term storage of hazardous chemicals and other substances typically associated with drug investigations.
Storage in the Drugkeeper minimizes health and environmental risks associated with handling chemical vapors and residues, VOCs and other materials associated with methamphetamine production, marijuana and other narcotics.